Diet for gastritis of the stomach: menu for the week

Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of our time. Frequent snacks and meals on the run, a wide variety of fast food, poor-quality food poisoning - all this can cause gastritis. Perhaps that is why many people now suffer from stomach problems. But how to deal with them?

To do this, it is not at all necessary to constantly take medications, the main thing in treatment is a correct and well-chosen diet that will not cause irritation of the mucous membrane and exacerbation of the disease, but at the same time saturate the body with all the necessary macronutrients and vitamins.

vegetable soup for gastritis

General nutrition rules

  1. Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day. You should not feel hungry. Let it be 3 full meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as small snacks.
  2. The basis of your diet should be liquid or grated food.
  3. Choose foods that will bring you the most benefit: cereals, soups, fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, milk and dairy products, whole grain or rye bread, fruits, vegetables and berries.
  4. Pay attention to expiration dates. Give preference to natural food that has undergone minimal processing. It is better to choose yogurt with a weekly shelf life than one that has a shelf life of six months.
  5. Eat the number of calories you need, which is easy to calculate using special programs on the Internet.
  6. Proteins (meat and fish, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, eggs), fats (vegetable and butter, cheese, egg yolk, nuts), carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, fruits, dried fruits) should be present in your diet every day.
  7. Steam, cook in a slow cooker or bake in the oven. Another cooking option is on the grill without oil.

Important!Drink 1-2 liters of pure water a day. This is the main recommendation for nutrition not only for a person with gastritis, but also for a healthy one.

List of prohibited products

With this disease, it is contraindicated to eat food that irritates the walls of the stomach. It is also worth minimizing the consumption of foods that cause abundant production of gastric juice. Such products include:

  • fried and smoked food;
  • chips and crackers;
  • food cooked in large amounts of oil;
  • purchased sweets;
  • ice cream;
  • wheat flour products;
  • lemonade and soda;
  • packaged juices;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and purchased sauces;
  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • forbidden food for gastritis
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • sour curd;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • pickled and pickled vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • spicy food;
  • kvass;
  • canned food;
  • meat or fish in its own juice.

Although this list seems quite impressive, eating healthy and tasty is very simple. Remember that many products are interchangeable. For example, instead of unhealthy mayonnaise, you can make homemade sauce from natural yogurt, eggs and sunflower oil. Purchased sweets are easy to replace with cheesecakes, honey, fruits and dried fruits, sugar-free jams or nuts. So there is always a replacement option.

Prohibited Food Additives

It is important to understand that the same product from different manufacturers can have completely different composition. But it depends on the composition whether you can eat this or that food. So always pay attention to it. Pay special attention to these ingredients:

  • E-104, E-102 - contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E-122, E-123 - negatively affect digestion;
  • E-150, E-151 - interfere with the normal process of digestion of food;
  • E-220 - E-226 - cause pain in the stomach;
  • E-322 - irritates the walls of the stomach.

Of course, these are not all additives that negatively affect our health. So try to always choose natural products without unnecessary preservatives.

List of allowed foods

After reading the list of prohibited foods, you may get the impression that there is almost no variety in food. In fact, this is far from the case. You can eat tasty and healthy by focusing on these foods:

  • liquid cereals boiled in water or milk;
  • vegetable soups with the addition of cereals;
  • puree soup;
  • milk or cream with medium or high fat content;
  • scrambled eggs, boiled egg or soft-boiled eggs;
  • vegetable and fruit purees;
  • boiled, baked or stewed fish or meat;
  • honey, marshmallow, marshmallow, natural marmalade;
  • a small amount of sugar in tea or coffee;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • pasta and rice;
  • greens;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • cottage cheese with an average percentage of fat content;
  • steamed dried fruits;
  • jam or jam;
  • jelly;
  • weakly brewed tea or coffee;
  • cheese;
  • mineral water from which gas has been previously released;
  • freshly squeezed juice, diluted in half with water;
  • sour cream or homemade sauce.

Diet option for a week with a chronic course of the disease

This menu option is given as an example in the normal course of the disease, without complications and exacerbations. The amount of food in grams is not written, as it is different for each person and depends primarily on your gender, age, weight and height, as well as physical activity. Try to eat small meals and don't go hungry.

Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
Monday Milk-cooked rice porridge, whole grain bread and cheese sandwich, green tea Apple Baked cod + pasta Fresh cabbage and carrot salad Cottage cheese casserole, tomato and cucumber salad, tea
Tuesday Oatmeal boiled in milk, soft-boiled egg, marshmallows, weak coffee with milk Banana Vegetable and rice soup, puree + steamed chicken cutlet Small portion of almonds Salad of seasonal vegetables + boiled fish
Wednesday Omelet, banana, coffee with milk Syrniki Pumpkin puree soup, baked chicken breast Pine nuts + natural yogurt Steamed fish + fresh vegetable salad
Thursday Buckwheat porridge with milk, apple, tea Curd 5% Soup with pasta, boiled chicken + cucumber and green salad Kefir Rice + steamed fish
Friday Omelet, marshmallow, coffee with milk Cheesecakes + natural jam Vegetable broth, grilled fish + buckwheat Banana Boiled potatoes + vegetable salad
Saturday Rice porridge, nuts, a spoonful of jam, coffee with milk Peach, nectarine or berries Macaroni + baked chicken fillet + cheese Pastila + tea Braised cabbage with carrots + steamed fish
Sunday Corn porridge, marshmallow, tea Apple Vegetable soup, rye bread, baked fish Berries Omelet + vegetable salad

Attention!Gastritis also has several different types. And when compiling the menu, you should not forget about them.

The diet of a person with gastritis with low acidity

Decreased acidity means that the body's production of hydrochloric acid is difficult. So your diet should support it. Focus on mashed potatoes, liquid cereals, pasta, boiled meat and fish. Be sure to include boiled eggs, vegetable salads, freshly squeezed juice, baked and fresh fruits, slightly stale bread or homemade crackers in your diet. Your diet should be based on a variety of vegetable dishes. It is better to start eating with them. You can add small amounts of spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, or coriander to your meals.

But fatty meat, legumes, beans, kvass, unripe fruits, carbonated drinks and fresh bread will have to be abandoned.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity

The main goal of such a diet is directly opposite to the previous one. You need to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in every possible way. To do this, eat more cereals, soups, fresh vegetables, sweet fruits and compotes from them, legumes, beans, zucchini, fresh bread. Refuse spicy and fried foods, seasonings, spices, pickled and canned vegetables, sour fruits.

What kind of diet to follow with exacerbation of gastritis?

If you suddenly have an exacerbation of the disease, then let your stomach rest. The first day is better not to eat at all, but drink plenty of water. Not only water is perfect for this purpose, but also decoctions of wild rose, chamomile, weak tea with a small amount of sugar.

In the following days, stick to a more strict diet. The basis of your diet should be soups from cereals and vegetables, vegetable puree soups. Add to this liquid porridge boiled in milk and boiled fish or chicken meat. Ideally, pass all dishes through a meat grinder or blender. You can also eat soft-boiled eggs and cottage cheese casserole from non-acidic cottage cheese.

But fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese, bread and sweets will have to be abandoned during the exacerbation.

A diet for gastritis can be not only useful, but also tasty. The main thing is to show more imagination and come up with interesting recipes. In addition, such nutrition will positively affect your figure, skin and overall well-being. And the disease will soon recede, because you eat right and balanced.